Moon, 20cm SCT, F10, stacked stills.
Massive sunspots of Sept 4, 2017, stacked stills from video, solar filter, colored.
Urban Imaging Target Recommendations
Recommended Imaging Targets On Moonless Nights
Sun and Moon
All planets plus many of their brighter satellites
Hundreds of globular and open clusters
Several hundred planetary nebulas
Brighter galaxies
Artificial satellites...
You can video record hundreds of low power telescopic satellites. For this it's best to use a rich-field telescope like a short-tube refractor.
Dozens of geostationary satellites
ISS (visually plus imaging of Sun/Moon transits)
The brighter quasars, plus one pulsar
Many hundreds of asteroids
Stars including, novas/supernovas, variable stars and double-stars
Recommended Imaging Targets on Moon-Filled Nights
Sun and Moon
All planets
Stars including, novas/supernovas, variable stars and double-stars. Including optical resolution tests using ultra-close doubles
Telescopic artificial satellites, dozens of geostationary satellites, visible ISS passes and Sun/Moon transits
Hundreds of asteroids
Non-Recommended Imaging Targets in an Urban Environment
Dark Nebula (horsehead, coalsack, snake, etc)
Wide star fields
Extended nebula such as the NA, California, Veil, etc (unless using a dual or tri-band filter)
Galaxies (brighter ones exempted)
Comet tails (comas OK)